Canon 6D- | First Full Frame Camera
Hey friends, So much is going on in my life right now that I am super busy, which I love! (: Today I will blog to brag a little about myself :D lol… Well, since some of y’all know I’ve been shooting photography since 2011, but in the past year I have really been focusing more on making it my career rather than being “just” a hobby.
This year has been amazing! I have been busy with sessions and learning a more about my brand and myself. I have finally found my style! And I absolutely love it. It represents who I am as a person and as a business owner. I absolutely love that I am still learning more information about photography each and every day. Since the moment I purchased my first DSLR Camera I have not put my camera down. When there is a family gathering or any type of event my camera is always there to capture those moments. :D and of course those special moments with my clients.
I purchased my first DSLR Camera during my first semester of college when I could finally afford it :D. My camera or my “baby” was a Canon Rebel T3 that came with the kit lens of an 18-55 mm. Let me tell y’all something, I thought I was a pro with my new shiny camera (: Boy am I funny lol. But for the longest time that camera helped me capture and meet amazing people along the way. There is a time when we all outgrow our clothes, shoes, handbags, etc. and for me that was my gear. I recently made the purchase of a full-frame DSLR :D After months of saving I could finally upgrade my camera and I can finally achieve the images I want.
I have been shooting with my camera for a few weeks now, and WOW!! The details on the camera are AH-MA-ZING!!! Going full-frame has been one of the best decisions I have made. Now let me introduce to y’all my new “baby” :D It is a Canon 6D(I am a Canon Girl). IT’S ABSOULTELY GORGEOUS! Cannot wait to share images of my upcoming sessions! Stay tune! :D